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The Math in the Movies Page
A Guide to Major Motion Pictures with Scenes of Real Mathematics
"*** Totally delightful" Excite Reviews and Movie Guide
" ...worth a few visits, and quite a bit of
fun" NSDL Scout Reports
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with Math in the Movies and some great sound clips of math scenes from
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Your letters on over 80 different movies with at least a little math content,
and a list of movies featuring real mathematicians. Suggest some more!
Also, try our new, free,
Big Number Calculator.
(It uses the BigInteger class in the latest versions of Java, so you'll need
Netscape 6 or later, Internet Explorer 5 or later, or Opera. They could have
used it in Cube)
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suggestion? Check out my new book:
Switching to a Mac For Dummies.
Numb3rs (2005)
A CBS TV series starting its third year, where David Krumholtz plays Charlie
Eppes, a "world class" mathematician who helps his brother Don, an FBI agent
played by Rob Morrow, solve crimes. There were some nice moments, as when a
colleague advises him not to waste his productive years chasing serial
criminals, but the math in the premier was pretty lame, mostly the usual
equations-on-a-blackboard, but with some clever visualization of a sprinkler.
They did work some real mathematical thinking into later episodes but Charlie is
a bit too successful predicting the next crime scene from lousy data and way too
guilt-ridden when he fails.
I've upped my rating based on another episode, this one about someone getting
ready to announce a proof of the Riemann hypothesis when his daughter is
kidnapped. Serious math questions were actually woven into the plot. Here is a
spoiler in rot13:
Gur svefg zlfgrel vf gur xvqanccref zbgvir. Gurer vf fbzr fcrphyngvba nobhg
gur $1 zvyyvba Pynl cevmr, ohg vg jbhyq gnxr gbb ybat gb irg gur cebbs. Gheaf
bhg gurl jnag n orggre fvrir sbe snpgbevat vagrtref, boivbhfyl gb oernx EFN
rapelcgvba. Gur ivpgvz'f sngure naq gur SOV ntrag'f oebgure jbex ba cebqhpvat
gur nytbevguz, ohg ernyvmr gurer vf n ubyr va gur cebbs gurl pna'g cngpu. Gurl
pbzr hc jvgu cyna O: thrff jung gnetrg gur xvqanccref ner nvzvat ng naq ohvyq
n snxr jro fvgr cebgrpgrq ol n xrl gurve cubal cebtenz jvyy oernx.
Math ***
Series ***
Leaving the Wilbur Theater in Boston after seeing
the play Proof, a theatergoer remarked
"This is the year of mathematicians." Proof is now a movie (Directed by Miramax,
staring Gwyneth Paltrow and Anthony Hopkins), adapted from David Auburn's Tony
and Pulitzer winning play. Three of the four main characters are mathematicians.
The father character is loosely based on John Nash, but the story is fiction and
takes a very different path from A Beautiful Mind, focusing on the daughter.
The title is apt. Proof's plot is filed with attempts to prove things:
sanity, love, correctness of care decisions, theorems, authorship, adulthood to
an older sibling. Even the champaign bottle in the first scene is a mysterious
In particular, the story asks if proof checking can be an act of love.
Checking is violent work. You must try to demolish someone else's creation. But
what if you love that person? Is it better to trust condescendingly or to seek
the truth and resolve any doubts?
Proof's themes are universal, but the emotional life of mathematicians is
dealt with well. Stereotypes are dissected. The math jokes aren't great but it's
fun to hear the two waves of laughter: from the people who get them immediately
and those that have to wait for the playwright's explanation. Proof's ending is
mathematically satisfying. NYU's
Courant Institute hosted a
symposium on Proof. PG-13. (There's a seduction scene in the play.)
Math ***
Play ****
Move TBD
A Beautiful
Mind (2001)

real John Nash, Russell Crowe & Ron Howard (courtesy of
Universal Pictures).
I hated the first half of this movie. The caricature of cryptography, right
out of "Mercury
Rising," made me squirm. I was tempted to walk out, but I had this review to
write, so fortunately I stayed. The second half was wonderful and made complete
sense of Act I. All those Hollywood spy cliches turn out to be a brilliant
device to let us see what happens from from
John Nash's perspective.
There is one good math scene where Nash and some fellow grad students are in
a bar and a bevy of young women walk in, lead by a very attractive blonde. Nash
realizes that all the guys hitting on the blonde would not be an optimal
strategy and that this dating situation is a counter example to the claims of
classical economic theory. The insight leads to his
Nobel-prize winning result. If true, this would be the best eureka yarn
since Newton and the apple. Otherwise the math was a little weak. Lots of
scrawled equations do not a math movie make. More of an explanation of
Nash's work would
have been welcome.
A Beautiful Mind is also one of the finest love stories ever filmed. After
reading how
Andrew Wiles enjoyed the full support of his wife while holed up in his
attic for seven years proving Fermat's Last Theorem, I thought there should a
hall of fame for great spouses of mathematicians. Mrs. Nash could be another
charter member. PG-13 (One mild bedroom scene, guys on the make, high
emotional intensity)
Math ***
Movie *****
Winner of 4
Academy Awards (Best Picture, Best Director, Best Supporting Actress, Best
Adapted Script) with 8 nominations.
Fermat's Last Tango
I haven't seen this musical play
about Wiles' proof (featuring songs like "There's a Big Fat Hole in your Proof"
and "Math Widow"), but I have the album. The play is available on VHS video tape
and DVD from the
Clay Institute and there is a fine review of it in the
Notices of the AMS.
Quantum mechanics beats Newton's as a metaphor for human thought. Our actions
are only a projection of the super-positioned thoughts swirling in our brains.
Why did Werner Heisenberg as director of the Nazi nuclear program fail to build
an atomic bomb? Distaste for Hitler? Lack of resources? Incompetence? A complex
linear combination of all three? Will we ever know? Did he?
In Copenhagen the ghosts of Heisenberg, Niels Bohr and Bohr's wife,
Margrethe, explore the motives behind their meeting in 1941. Along the way they
explain a fair amount of physics, exhibit some good mathematical thinking and
let us experience the deep emotional bond between teacher and protege.
Math ***
Play ****
It's My Turn
In the opening scene of this romantic comedy, Jill Clayburgh, playing a
mathematics professor, proves the "snake lemma" of homological algebra:
0 -> A -> B -> C -> 0
| | |
0 -> A'-> B'-> C'-> 0
to an obnoxious graduate student. To the best of our knowledge, this is the
most erudite mathematical scene in a major motion picture, though spoiled
somewhat by a heavy handed portrayal of the grad student. The rest of the film
is mostly
math-free, unfortunately. R
Math ****
Film ***
Straw Dogs (1971)
Dustin Hoffman has moved to his wife's home town in Cornwall, England in the
hope of getting some astrophysics done. His bored wife's flirtations lead to
serious trouble. Somewhere along the line she mischievously changes a plus sign
to a minus sign in a set of gravitational equations on a blackboard. Hoffman's
response when he finally notices is by far the best and most realistic portrayal
of a mathematician in action in the movies.
Caution: The moral of this film is "don't mess with a
mathematician," so, as you might expect, a great deal of violence occurs.
Math ****
Film ****
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Will Hunting (1997)
Like its Fields-medalist
math professor, this movie begins by putting a hard problem on the blackboard:
Can anyone save a defiant, troubled kid from working-class
South Boston
who happens to be a
Ramanujan-level genius?
But instead of a convincing solution, we get easy answers. Robin Williams'
soberly played shrink brushes past Hunting's intelligence to get at his abusive
childhood, never contemplating genius as an equal source of pain. The women are
either on a pedestal or deserve to be. The movie plinks every soft target that
gets in it sights: gullible psychotherapists, corporate recruiters, snotty
Harvard students, the NSA, even
MIT custodial foremen.
The film's best aspect is the love and care lavished on getting South Boston
right. If they had only done as well by the mathematicians, depicted here as
corporate, arrogant, joyless and cold. The movie shows the outside of MIT, but
not the inside.
There is so much talent here that I want to give an Incomplete and make them
turn in a more thoughtful version next semester. Too bad serious movies don't
get sequels.
R (mostly for foul language it would seem)
Math *
Film ***
Note: Bert Jagers created a Maple worksheet on the math in Good Will Hunting:
This a movie about madness, not mathematics. The math, computer science,
theology, and pharmacology are bad. (One faux pas is a suggestion that one could
try all possible 216 digit numbers.) But they are brilliantly combined with
music, and camera work to place us in the tormented mind of a paranoid obsessive
seeking the central truth of the universe --which is excreted by computers just
before they melt down -- while he is pursued by Wall Street brokers and Hassidic
Jews who know he is onto something. See the
Pi page for more links. R
Math *
Gematria **
Film ***
Flubber (1997)
Robin Williams explains Newton's Law of Gravitation to a life drawing class
in this '90s remake of the 1961
Absent Minded Professor, and there is a lot of pseudo-science in the
background -- even the titles are filled with math symbology. But the story has
been whimsyectomized: the long suffering girlfriend, promoted to college
president, really suffers, the professor feels her pain, the goons are scary,
and there is a poignant death scene. If the Professor can make a robot fly, why
does he need flubber? Still, the movie-clip-emoting robot redeems the movie, out
cuteing R2D2. Weebo deserved an Oscar for
best supporting actress. PG
Math **
Film ***
This space reserved for
Unabomber -
The Movie
"Math didn't make him kill, it just made him hard to catch."
(It seems there was a TV docudrama
Unabomber: The True Story (1996) )
Big (1988)
Tom Hanks plays a twelve year old boy whose wish to be big is granted by a
magical arcade game. His ability to find work and even succeed mocks the adult
world. At a dinner party, Hanks helps the young son, whom the real adults are
ignoring, with his homework. In the process he offers a nice explanation of
basic algebra. PG
Math ***
Film *****
Stand and Deliver (1987)
A high school math teacher, played by Edward James Olmos, gets a group of
inner city kids to learn calculus, amazing and threatening the educational
establishment. Some decent calculus teaching is shown in this true story.
Math ***
Film ****
Brief History of Time (1992)
Biography of one of our greatest living physicsts,
Stephen Hawking, though a bit light on his work. G
Math ***
Film ****
Sneakers (1992)
Freelance spies track down an all powerful code breaking chip developed by a
mysteriously funded mathematician named Gunter Janek. In a brief scene, the
long-haired, white-suited Janek lectures on the possibility of finding a faster
way to factor numbers, shouting lots of big math words, but not really
explaining anything. Still, the film correctly points out that a breakthrough in
factoring could happen and would be worth a lot to criminals and people who
break codes.
The mathematician Len Adleman advised on the making of this move.
Click here
for his story. PG-13
Math **
Film ***
The Man Without a Face (1993)
Mel Gibson plays a former teacher turned recluse whose face is badly
disfigured. He befriends a troubled boy and helps him prepare for a military
school's entrance exam. In one of his lessons, Gibson shows the boy how to find
the center of any circle by constructing the perpendicular bisectors of two
chords. The figure he draws isn't quite general enough: the chords share a
common point and they needn't. But that's the least of their troubles as the
secret of Gibson's past comes back to haunt their relationship. PG-13
Math ***
Film ****
Antonia's Line (1995)
In this somewhat morbid chronicle of five generations of sturdy women, we see
Antonia's granddaughter Theresa, who grows from a child prodigy to become a
mathematician, lecturing on cohomology and reading a monograph on differential
geometry in preference to nursing her baby. In a movie filled with stereotypes,
we should not expect a woman mathematician to be anything but cold. One nit:
Theresa says "X comma A" while reading a diagram during her lecture scene but it
appears in the subtitles as "X.A". The translators must habitually change
European commas into English decimal points. Dutch. Unrated, Quite a bit
of S.ex and Violence
Math ***
Film ****
Die Hard: With A Vengeance (1995)
Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson are given a five gallon jug and a three
gallon jug, and must put exactly four gallons of water on a scale to keep a bomb
from exploding. R
Math ***
Film ***
The Mirror has Two Faces (1996)
Hunk math prof Jeff Bridges explains the Twin Prime Conjecture (that there
are infinitely many pairs of primes only two numbers apart) to dowdy english
prof Barbara Streisand who actually gets it. She critiques his calculus
teaching. Bridges proposes. I thought the "before" Straisand was cuter. PG-13
Math ***
Film ***
Remake of
Le Miroir a Deux Faces (1959)
Trivia question: what is the relationship between the Twin Prime Conjecture
and the infamous floating point bug in Intel's original Pentium chip?
Click here to
find out.
Jodie Foster is perfect when she defines prime numbers for a group of
Washington bigwigs and is greeted by blank stares. But why does the movie have
to work so hard explaing her devotion to science? The book's nonsense about pi
is not in the movie. PG
Math ***
Film ****
Real Men Do Count
If we had a dollar for every war movie made, we could afford a T1 Internet
connection. Yet almost every soldier flick is predictable: If the movie has a
happy ending, the heroes win a few in the beginning, then start losing until the
very end when they win the big battle, but the supporting actor is killed. If
it's a tragedy, they lose in the beginning, win in the middle, lose the big one
and the star dies. Good military tactics never seem to play any part in
the outcome. We know of only two movies where the heroes even bother to count
how many of the enemy are out there. These movies are:
Seven Samurai (1954) (Shichinin no Samurai)
Akira Kurosawa's masterful story of a 16th century Japanese village that
defends itself by hiring down-and-out samurai. The wisest teaches his comrades
in arms to plan. Japanese. No rating. Fairly violent.
Math ***
Film *****
Heroes (1970)
Clint Eastwood leads an all star cast in search of Nazi gold. But first they
have to take out the German tanks one at a time. How do they know when they're
all gone? They counted them first, silly. PG
Math **
Film ****
Computers in the Movies
The Charles Babbage Institute at the University of Minnesota beat me to this
one. They have a list, "Hollywood
and Computers", of
movies with computers in them. But here is one they missed:
Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1963)
If you want to know what a scientific computer looked like in the good old
days, see Stanley Kubrick's classic satire on nuclear doomsday with its fine
scenes of an IBM 7094/
1401 installation. Peter
Sellers almost saves the world with a transistor radio hidden in a 1403 printer.Unrated.
OK, I think, for older teens
Computer ***
Film *****
Movies in Mathematics
Here is a paper that discusses the
properties of the Kevin Bacon Graph (KBG), whose nodes are actors in major
motion pictures (as listed at and where each node is connected by an
edge iff the two actors appeared together in a film. Interestingly, its largest
connected component contains 90% of all actors.
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