New Page 9
The Courses
Handin Systems
News and Announcements:
NetMath Mentors Needed
- If you've taken C&M classes before and would be
interested in working with us,
please apply. Class
assistant applications are due by Thursday, December 6. Spring Netmath
mentors are needed.
- Lab Hours
- Fall 2007 semester hours for lab in 239 Altgeld may be found
- Mathematica News
- Mathematica for students through CITES is now available.
It can be obtained here.
- The cost is $25 wtihout media (45 MB download) or $30 with the CD.
- It expires on 8/26/08 at which time it needs to be renewed. It will be
renewed most likely at $25 again and will last until the following August.
Copyright © 2006 Calculus & Mathematica at UIUC
All rights reserved.
New Page 3
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