AIDS Therapeutics - Some images of hope for this dreadful disease.
Amino Acids - The building blocks of proteins.
Antibiotics - Fungi are helping us kill bacteria.
Anticancer Agents - Good drugs for some bad diseases.
The Archaeology Collection - Ancient relics found in archeological
Australia - Photomicrographs from the land downunder.
Beer (our
favorite, too!) - See what some of your favorite beverages look like
under the microscope.
- Check out the beautiful minerals that make birthstones.
Brain - Examine the intricate architecture of the brain as viewed
through a fluorescence microscope.
Brightfield Microscopy Digital Image Gallery - Brightfield
illumination has been one of the most widely used observation modes in
optical microscopy for the past 300 years, and is best suited for
utilization with fixed, stained specimens or other kinds of samples that
naturally absorb significant amounts of visible light. This digital image
gallery explores a variety of stained specimens captured with an Olympus
BX51 microscope coupled to a 12-bit QImaging Retiga camera system.
Buckyballs - The newly discovered third form of naturally occurring
Burgers 'N Fries - Join us for a microscopic examination of
America's culinary favorite: the ubiquitous hamburger and French fries.
Butterfly Wing Scale Digital Image Gallery - From a distance,
butterfly wings are a beautiful sight to behold. Under a microscope, they
are even more so.
Cell and Virus
Structure - Explore the microscopic structure of animal and plant
cells and their viruses.
Cells in Motion - In multicellular tissues, such as those found in
animals and humans, individual cells employ a variety of locomotion
mechanisms to maneuver through spaces in the extracellular matrix and over
the surfaces of other cells. The digital videos presented in this gallery
investigate animal cell motility patterns in a wide variety of
morphologically different specimens. Requires the RealPlayer browser
Chipshots - Surface features of integrated circuits.
Cholesterol - Beautiful shots of the artery-clogging steroid.
Cocktails - It's time for happy hour.
Computer Parts - Hard Disks, CD-ROMS, and other computer innards.
Microscopy Digital Image Gallery - Scroll through serial optical
sections from a wide variety of specimens, including tissue culture cells,
thin and thick sections, and entire organisms, in this Java-powered image
Crime Collection - Items used in crimes and law enforcement.
Darkfield Microscopy Image Gallery - Darkfield illumination often
provides good contrast for specimens that are lacking in sufficient detail
using other illumination techniques.
Differential Interference Contrast Digital Image Gallery - Thin
unstained, transparent specimens are excellent candidates for imaging with
classical differential interference (DIC) microscopy techniques over
a relatively narrow range (plus or minus one-quarter wavelength) of bias
retardation. The digital images presented in this gallery represent a wide
spectrum of specimens, which vary from unstained cells, tissues, and whole
organisms to both lightly and heavily stained thin and thick sections.
Dinosaur Bones - Beautiful fossilized relics from these ancient
- Microscopic views of the primary genetic material in condensed states.
Eclipse Image Gallery - We take the Nikon DXM 1200 camera system on
a test drive to demonstrate the tremendous photomicrography potential
available with this digital camera. Images were recorded using a wide
spectrum of illumination techniques including brightfield, phase contrast,
fluorescence, differential interference contrast (DIC), Hoffman modulation
contrast, and polarized light.
- Essential materials of the textile and printing industries.
Education Collection - Things you use in school.
Endorphins - Neural hormones for that all natural high.
Fatty Acids - A close-up view of these essential biochemicals.
Feathers - These masterfully-crafted structures allow birds to fly.
Featured Microscopist - The Molecular Expressions featured
microscopist gallery contains image collections from some of the World's
best photomicrographers.
Flavors - Chemicals used to make food taste good.
Fluorescence Digital Image Gallery - Fluorochromes make specimens
glow in the dark.
Fluorescence Microscopy of Cells in Culture - Serious attempts at
the culture of whole tissues and isolated cells were first undertaken in the
early 1900s as a technique for investigating the behavior of animal cells in
an isolated and highly controlled environment. The term tissue culture
arose because most of the early cells were derived from primary tissue
explants, a technique that dominated the field for over 50 years. As
established cell lines emerged, the application of well-defined normal and
transformed cells in biomedical investigations has become an important
staple in the development of cellular and molecular biology. This
fluorescence image gallery explores over 30 of the most common cell lines,
labeled with a variety of fluorophores using both traditional staining
methods as well as immunofluorescence techniques.
Fragrances - Things that make you smell good.
Hoffman Modulation Contrast Digital Image Gallery - Modulation
contrast adds a pseudo three-dimensional effect to samples photographed
under the microscope.
Hormones - See where many of your problems stem from.
Pathology Digital Image Gallery - The investigation of disease in
humans has, understandably, been one of the primary focal points in medicine
for thousands of years. The image gallery presented in this section attempts
to illustrate, through use of the brightfield microscope, many of the
pathological conditions that are readily observed in stained human
specimens. Each image was chosen for artistic merit, photographic quality,
and content. Note that several of the images in this gallery might not
depict every aspect of the pathological condition under which they are
Ice Cream - The Ben and Jerry's Collection.
Intel Play QX3 Computer Microscope Digital Image Galleries - Visit
our galleries containing digital images from this incredible toy microscope
after modification for enhanced brightfield, polarized light, darkfield, and
Rheinberg illumination.
Liquid Crystals - The fourth state of matter.
Magnetic Thin Films - New technologies that provide more bytes.
Meteorites - Rocks from outer space.
Microscapes - Multiple-exposure micrographic landscapes.
Minerals - Essential salts.
Mitosis - The process whereby cells divide.
Moon Rocks - Remnants of the successful Apollo missions.
Neurotransmitters - Chemicals that allow your brain cells to
Small World Gallery - For the past 28 years, Nikon has sponsored the
Small World Competition, the world's foremost forum for recognizing
excellence in photography through the microscope. This gallery features over
450 images produced by some of the best photomicrographers in the world.
Nikon Fluorescence Microscopy Digital Image Gallery - The widefield
reflected light fluorescence microscope has been a fundamental tool for the
examination of fluorescently labeled cells and tissues since the
introduction of the dichromatic mirror in the late 1940s. Furthermore,
advances in synthetic fluorophore design coupled to the vast array of
commercially available primary and secondary antibodies have provided the
biologist with a powerful arsenal in which to probe the minute structural
details of living organisms with this technique.
Nucleotides - Much more than simply building blocks for RNA and DNA.
Observing Mitosis with Fluorescence Microscopy - Mitosis, a
phenomenon observed in all higher eukaryotes, is the mechanism that allows
the nuclei of cells to split and provide each daughter cell with a complete
set of chromosomes during cellular division.
Ocean Spray Collection - Unique products from a unique company.
Olympus MIC-D Digital Microscope Image Galleries - The Olympus MIC-D
digital microscope image galleries contain a wide spectrum of images
representing all of the illumination techniques available with this unique
instrument. Specimens include stained thin sections, whole mounts, thick
sections, living pond creatures, insects, recrystallized chemicals, and
integrated circuits. Imaging of specimens contained in the gallery was
assisted by the various contrast-enhancing technology featured by the MIC-D,
including brightfield, darkfield, oblique, polarized light and reflected
illumination, and the galleries are arranged according to contrast
Perovskites - The basis for high-temperature superconducting
Pesticides - Drugs for Bugs.
Pharmaceuticals - Drugs for people.
Phase Contrast Digital Image Gallery - View a wide spectrum of
specimens through phase contrast optics.
Phytochemicals - Drugs in the food we eat.
Tissue Autofluorescence Gallery - Autofluorescence in plant tissues
is a common and useful phenomenon arising from a variety of endogenous
biomolecules that absorb light in many regions of the near-ultraviolet and
visible light spectrum. One of the primary contributors of plant
autofluorescence is chlorophyll, but lignins, carotenes, and xanthophylls
also produce a significant level of fluorescence emission when stimulated
with the proper wavelengths. This digital image gallery examines natural
autofluorescence in plant tissue thin sections using multiple excitation
wavelengths with laser scanning confocal microscopy.
Polarized Light Microscopy Digital Image Gallery - As a
contrast-enhancing optical technique, polarized light microscopy is
unsurpassed in the magnificent array of colors and beautiful textures
generated through interference between orthogonal wavefronts at the
analyzer. Visit this gallery to observe how polarized light can be of
advantage in the observation of specimens that would otherwise exhibit poor
contrast and be difficult to distinguish from the background.
Polymers - Very long-chain molecules.
Precious Metals and Gems - Diamonds are a girl's best friend.
Prostaglandins - Bioactive lipids.
Proteins - The molecules that make up cells and enzymes.
Radiolarians - Catch a glimpse of these tiny glass sea creatures,
who rival in beauty the finest cut crystal creations.
Brain Digital Image Gallery - The rat brain has served as an
excellent model for elucidating the complex anatomy and physiological
mechanisms of the human brain. As a result, a significant amount of
information on brain diseases, such as dementia and Parkinson's disease, has
been determined from investigations using rat brains. Brain tissue has been
mapped into dozens of major and hundreds of minor regions that are
anatomically and functionally distinct. Individual brain cells segregate
into specialized areas by expressing a wide spectrum of specific
housekeeping proteins, enzymes, transporters, and receptors. This digital
image gallery explores many regions of the rat brain as observed with
immunofluorescence in coronal, horizontal, and sagittal thick sections using
laser scanning confocal microscopy.
The Religion
Collection - From religions around the world.
Silicon Zoo
- We've caged the creatures found on silicon computer chips.
Soap Bubbles - Fascinating interference patterns of light reflected
from soap thin films.
Soft Drinks - Cool tools for a POP culture.
Sports Collection - Football, baseball, and basketball - something
for everyone.
- Pour some sugar on me.
Superconductors - A new revolution in the making.
Superlattices - Tomorrow's semiconductors today.
The Tree Collection
- Examine digital images made from stained thin sections cut from a variety
of tree species.
Vegetables - We're running the garden on the microscope.
The Virtual Rat - The humble rat has had an outsized impact on human
history. In the Middle Ages, the black rat (Rattus rattus) was
blamed for spreading the Black Plague through its fleas, a pandemic that
killed a third of Europe's population, an estimated 34 million people. In
modern times, however, a larger cousin, the Brown rat (Rattus
norvegicus) has become an important model organism in biological
research. Selective breeding of the Brown Rat has produced the albino
laboratory rat. Explore the wonders of rat anatomy in this gallery of images
produced with the microscope using rat tissues stained with a variety of
fluorescent dyes.
Vitamins - Our favorite essentials.
Watch Pieces and Stems - Photomicrographs of watch movements and
component parts.
Collection - Is it red wine with fish or white wine with veal? |